Margaret Lauber
3 months ago
Very disappointed to find that MadBarn has added what would seem to be unneccessary ingredients to what was a relatively simple single supplement. My old 1kg bag contained only distillers grain and wheat midds in addition to the Biotin itself. A newer bag had added distiller's dried grains, dried yeast, dextrose (!), rice hulls, and calcium carbonate. What purpose an artificial sweetener in a product that previously tasted like.....grain, which horses tend to like? Rice hulls sure sound like filler to me. And not sure what benefit is attached to calcium carbonate. Needless to say, I returned the product and won't be buying it again.
The product was shipped very quickly, however my horse will not touch his special feed with the product in it.
Heather MacLellan
2 years ago
I think this supplement is helping, but I’m not sure I can buy it again. One horse eats it easily, but I can’t get my picky eater to touch it. And, of course, she’s the one who needs it most. I’ve tried different feeding options, but nothing seems to work. Too bad. I really think this could help her.