4.7 Rating 4045 Reviews

92 %

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Evelyne Boulianne 9 months ago
Verified Buyer
Delivery was perfect. Product analysis is super, it is super concentrated so quantity to serve is low it’s a good thing for my horse with high grain ration. The thing that went wrong with my horses is that palatability is not as I thought. Many of my horses refused to eat it even if I mixed it with objet ingrédients they like.
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Lucie Mathieu 9 months ago
Verified Buyer
I have been using Omneity for a year now for my Haflinger mare whose blood tests showed a selenium deficiency. I did blood tests again this spring and they show that there has been an improvement in her selenium level but this is not enough as she is not to an acceptable level and now, she also has a vitamin E deficiency. I really liked the delivery service Mad Barn has offered. It is very convenient but I am forced to change the way I supplement Lillie because I need results for her well-being
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Rose Caslar 9 months ago
Verified Buyer
Fine but way too many emails about it
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Stephanie Glasgow 10 months ago
Verified Buyer
I am not sure it is working and it is very expensive
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Roxanne miller 10 months ago
Verified Buyer
Customer Service is outstanding. My horse refused to eat this product. Maybe should have tried the pellet. Went back to old stand by, he's at least eating it.
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Mélanie Boulianne 10 months ago
Verified Buyer
Très déçue niveau appétence du produit, je croyais que puisque mes chevaux avaient fini par s'habituer à la version en granulés, ça passerait bien en poudre avec de la pulpe de betteraves... Ouff non 😅, j'ai juste hate de finir la poche pour retourner aux granulés, je voulais économiser un peu en prenant en poudre, mais finalement avec le gaspillage de ce que mes chevaux ne mangent pas, on est loin de l'économie! Si ca va bien avec les granulés, gardez cette formule 🤣
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Sharon Heiney 10 months ago
Verified Buyer
Didn’t notice much difference
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Jessica Niehage 10 months ago
Verified Buyer
I admit to not knowing much about spirulina before deciding to purchase it, but our horse was struggling with allergies and I wanted to try anything that would help. He is on a very low dose because he dislikes the taste unfortunately so I don’t know if it’s helping or not, but I’m continuing to add it to his mid day mash and I remain hopeful he’ll appreciate my efforts sooner or later. I will add that I trust Mad Barn’s products, the bag is resealable, it comes with a dosing scooper, shipping is quick, and prices are competitive. Happy overall.
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bianca durachko 10 months ago
Verified Buyer
Was a bit too over the top with scientific stuff but learned alot since that first evaluation.
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Caryn Colman 10 months ago
Verified Buyer
The final followup after I submitted the hay analysis was lacking. However overall, Hailey was very patient with me and I am a high maintenance person. No fault or criticism with Mad Barn or Ms. Schoefield. I ended up hiring a professional nutritionist on a one year contract. She recommended MB and I've ordered from you already.
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