4.7 Rating 4009 Reviews

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Kim Nielsen 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
Mon hongre TB de 14 ans est sous Visceral depuis 2 mois et j'ai remarqué une énorme amélioration de son physique et de son tempérament. Avant Visceral , je savais qu'il y avait quelque chose qui n'allait pas à 100% chez mon homme. Il était mince, luttait pour gagner du muscle, mordait tout ce qui s'approchait trop et était très effrayant, malgré le fait qu'il était nourri 3 fois par jour, avait accès au foin toute la journée et était monté 4-5 jours par semaine. Aujourd'hui, deux mois plus tard, il a l'air en très bonne santé. Il prend du poids (et reçoit la même quantité de nourriture qu'avant), son pelage est super brillant, il ne mord plus les gens, et les choses qui le faisaient peur avant ne sont plus aussi importantes. Il a fallu un mois pour remarquer ces changements, et mainten...
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Deanne Davis 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
Great product, great price !
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Tanya Panczuk 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
My mare was unfortunately diagnosed with EPM and was recommended by my vet to give her 10,000 IU/day of Natural Vitamin E to help her during treatment. I found it difficuly to find an affordable Natural Vitamin E supplement without added selenium in Canada. But luckily Mad Barn had what I needed, at a fantastic price and my mare is showing improvements since being on their product. I will 100% recommend Mad Barn products to anyone and will be purchasing more supplements from them in the future!
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Julia Tizzard 4 years ago
Ordered product yesterday. Was on my doorstep today. Very happy with the results from Mad Barn products.
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Kim Nielsen 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
My 14 yr old TB gelding has been on Visceral for 2 months and I have noticed a huge improvement in his physique and his temperament. Prior to Visceral , I knew something wasn't 100% with my guy. He was thin, struggled to gain muscle, bit anyone that got too close, and was very spooky, despite being fed 3 times a day, having access to hay all day, and being ridden 4-5 days a week. Now, 2 months later, he is looking really healthy. He is gaining weight (and being fed the same amount as before), his coat is super shiny, he doesn't bite people anymore, and things that made him spook before, are not as big deal. These changes took about a month to notice, and now he seems really happy, content, and eating everything in sight! I would highly recommend this product to anyone, especially t...
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Monika Currier 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
My mare is a very picky eater. Very difficult to get her to take any supplements. When I got these electrolytes, I thought, yeah right. O. M. G. She drink them right up and lick the bucket. So very happy with this product so far.
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Christiane Michaud 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
love not having to buy add ons, all is there. my horses love it and the improvement of the coats, hoofs mane and tail is crazy. may seem more expensive on the spot but not so when you figure you don't.need to add. very happy with service, shipping.
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Summer 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
I've been using Visceral for several years now with great success and on multiple horses. I'm a dressage trainer so have a barn of hard working, show horses. It's become a staple in my barn and I'm always happy to recommend it!
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Tami O'Dette 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
Awesome product and arrived under 24 hours to my door!!
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Lesley Wilson 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
My Paint gelding had a couple bouts with spasmodic colic,I researched the Mad Barn Menu,and came across Visceral ,,,,what a pleasant surprise,he is calmer,happier ,it has so many awesome ingredients in it,,,,so YES,,,to this fabulous product
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