4.7 Rating 4024 Reviews

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Andrea 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
We recently bought a QH who came with very detailed anti-inflammatory instructions for her feeding, all of which were large name brand products with large name brand prices. We felt the regime would benefit from some simplification. We normally feed ground flax as part of out horses diets but the new horse did not take to this. We looked into flax oil, hemp oil and another highly advertised oil all of which were very expensive, then we remembered that Madbarn also had an omega oil. we feed hay,pasture, flax seed, Omeity pellets and now to our horses, and now W-3 oil. They have strong, feet, shining coats and bright dispositions. We are super happy with this product, plus it smells great, and tastes mild but delicious - yes I tried it!
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Emily Brown 4 years ago
Wanting to share my success with my new found knowledge that all started because of the OCTRA Zoom meeting with Scott Cieslar from Mad Barn. After that presentation I contacted a nutritionist from Mad Barn and did plenty of research on my own. Even though I have seen results in Vixen, K2 is the one who has made a massive change in both appearance, temperament, and behavior. Ty and I got K2 almost two years ago, he was very under weight and had massive separation anxiety. Being that he was an older horse (15) with these behaviors it has been tricky to over come. This year, within the last couple of months, I have taken both K2 and Vixen off commercial grains, feed them a balanced diet that was advised by one of Mad Barns nutritionists and give them Omneity daily. The pictures and videos a...
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barbarastaubin 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
Omneity has been great for my Canadian mare who is the epitome of an easy keeper. She has been on it for 5 months and I'm seeing some amazing results in her coat (dapples and serious shine) as well as in her new hoof growth.
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Eirinn Boots 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
My 4 year old TB mare came into more consistent and goal-focused work this spring. She is an overthinker and aims to be a few steps ahead (figuratively and speed-literally). She is also an opinionated four year old mare and likes her personal space. After preventatively treating for [redacted] early this year before increasing the work load, we added visceral to her daily dietary intake and she has demonstrated a noticeable change in her overall comfort, consistency in (less than before) attitude and most notably, her work tolerance has increased. She always got a mini-meal prior to work to ensure an empty stomach would not contribute to work limitations however, she no longer shows symptoms of physical discomfort, oversensitivity to leg aids or general crankiness throughout her workou...
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Kaitlyn Jollymore 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
My IR horse is usually fairly well controlled, with a strict diet (in terms of extras), free choice hat and regular work. This winter though, nothing I did could keep the weight off and I was starting to have to look at more specialized interventions. Decided to give mad barn a chance... 8ish weeks later (with no knowledge of his dietary changes), my farrier was shocked at how good my horse�s feet looked! His feet virtually fell apart, around this time last year, but they are great this year, even with a big abscess growing out. His weight is great and dapples are coming in nicely. Over all, very happy with the supplement choice!
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Lois Nisbet-Wall 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
I have only just started using this product to try and help my mare calm down during the spring and summer by hopefully regulating her cycle. I think it is beginning to help but I am having difficulty getting her to eat it when I have it mixed in to her oats. I have managed to get her to half of what her body weight requires. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can entice her to eat more of it. As far as the service I received I was more than satisfied.
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Kelly Allen 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
I started feeding Mad Barn vitamin E and W-3 Oil for my 17 year old stallion last year and it made a real different in Breeding season. This last year I bought a foal over the internet with great breeding for working cow horse was super excited to go out to Alberta and pick him up at 6 months old only to get there and see he was in horrible shape. We put him in the trailer and headed home to BC. The foal was so weak he curled up in the deep sawdust in the trailer and sleep the 8 hours home. I called my vet right away and he came out and did bloodwork. His Blood-work came back that he was anemic, he was also infested with worms. We started him on VitB 12 shots, safeguard wormer 5 days in a row and added W-3 Oil and Vit E from Mad Barn to his grain and here he is in the pictures the day I go...
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Laurie Jalbert 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
Tried the w3 oil and one of my horses will not touch it when mixed with her mash but the two boys are ok with it, one is a bit fussy about it. Would be nice if the product had a pump dispenser instead of a wobbly bag. Just started it so don't know how it will be long term yet. Arrived quickly. Really like mad barn products. Am using Omneity which is producing noticeable hoof improvement and super shiny coats.
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Jessica Kellner 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
Feeding the pellets once a day saves me time and money, as I feed less. This also has the upside that my chubby horses don’t get calories they don’t really require. All this, while they have they vitamins and minerals they need!
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Suzanne Dubois 4 years ago
Verified Buyer
When our 20 year old Arabian developed fecal water syndrome last fall we tried everything to help. Probiotics and beet pulp helped about 50%, but we couldn't clear it up completely. Then (thankfully!) we tried Visceral. Within 3 weeks the fecal water was almost completely gone! After 2 months there was virtually no sign of the ailment! Except for a little "new grass looseness" in the spring our horse is back to his old self--totally recommend this to those trying to find a solution for fecal water syndrome! I will say we did not have the horse scoped for [redacted], but he did have rectal exams and a full blood workup, which found no issues. Thanks Mad Barn! *** Parts of this review have been redacted to comply with Health Canada Regulations ***
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