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Layla Thompson 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
My horse Bear’s Chill is your typical “hard keeper”. Being an event horse, he worked extremely hard (5-6 days a week). Despite trying many types of grains and supplements, Bear would not keep weight and never seemed to develop a top line. I quickly became discouraged and felt like giving up. I strongly believe that proper nutrition is the most important factor when it comes to a horse performing their best. Last year I decided to make some changes when it came to my horses diet, which lead to some miraculous changes in his health and performance. I began a high forage and low grain diet. With minimal grain, and free choice high quality hay my horses health improved tremendously. However, this transformation would have not been possible without my favourite supplement/vitamin: Omneity by M...
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Korina McLean 5 years ago
Sunny has been on Omneity for almost 3 years. Before feeding Omneity, Sunny’s hooves would never grow and would crumble- I could never keep shoes on her and she would always be sore. Since she’s been on Omneity, very seldom does she lose a shoe and her feet stay relatively good if she does. Her weight and coat have always looked good on it as well. I use Performance XL Electrolytes during a competition to keep Sunny on top of her game and stay hydrated during hot summer show days. When shipping to new places, I like to give Sunny Visceral+ Paste, as she can be a bit of a stress ball when going to new places and I like to keep her stomach settled with it. I usually put Sunny on W-3 Oil during the winter months to keep her extra plump, and it helps if she gets any stiffness from not moving...
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Lexi Pendry 6 years ago
Just a little #madbarn appreciation post! Pulled juniors blanket off for the first time in a couple weeks, to give him a little TLC while he’s on winter vacation and I sure was not disappointed !!! This horse is a HARD keeper at the best of times, and thanks to mad barns W3 oil, he has NEVER looked better!!! Especially in NOVEMBER! He’s usually a woolly mammoth by now!!! 😍 and my old man Poncho is looking better than ever at 20+ years old (nobody even knows 😂) Poncho has had the last year off, and prior to that very light work as a weekly pony horse at the track, poncho was pulled out of a field less than a month ago and started on just 30ML a DAY of W3 oil and the little yellow pill. All I can say is I’m just shocked at how amazing he looks! Believe it or not, he is back to light work, ...
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Hillary Ramspacher 6 years ago
I’ve been clashing heads with this princess for a week shy of 3 years today 😳 Broke tailbone aside, I sure do love this fat pony. I hope we can maybe get it together this year and have some fun again. In the mean time I am happy to admire her dappled beauty all day every day 😍 Dapples brought to you by Mad Barn. #crazygoodnutrition I LOVE them. Shes on the chunky side as usual with the grass coming up but cannot complain with dapples like that! I have to give props to Mad Barn here though. She is normally dappled out for most of the year on her own but its really impressive now that I swapped her to this!
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Hillary Ramspacher 6 years ago
Weight gain has been an issue with this filly from the beginning. She’s not had the best appetite and definitely had a hard transition coming off of the track at first. (can you believe it?! A chestnut filly not loving a change in her world?) She was lean and fit from the track still when she arrived and it took a bit of tough love to adjust to her new life. We are just over 8 weeks in now and while we can’t do much else other than dream of dry pastures and sunshine, I was able to stand back and really see the change in this filly since she first arrived. I can’t wait to see what she looks like once we can seriously get going! For anyone having similar issues with transitioning post racetrack. I cannot recommend Mad Barn products enough. She was a vicious stall weaver and a total fence ch...
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Hillary Ramspacher 6 years ago
Weight gain has been an issue with this filly from the beginning. She’s not had the best appetite and definitely had a hard transition coming off of the track at first. (can you believe it?! A chestnut filly not loving a change in her world?) She was lean and fit from the track still when she arrived and it took a bit of tough love to adjust to her new life. We are just over 8 weeks in now and while we can’t do much else other than dream of dry pastures and sunshine, I was able to stand back and really see the change in this filly since she first arrived. I can’t wait to see what she looks like once we can seriously get going! For anyone having similar issues with transitioning post racetrack. I cannot recommend Mad Barn products enough. She was a vicious stall weaver and a total fence ch...
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Dr. Ian Moore 9 years ago
Verified Buyer
Vanquish was the champion of the 1 - 1.10m division today in jumper land. Powered by #madbarn #crazygoodnutrition
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Emily Brown 4 years ago
Wanting to share my success with my new found knowledge that all started because of the OCTRA Zoom meeting with Scott Cieslar from Mad Barn. After that presentation I contacted a nutritionist from Mad Barn and did plenty of research on my own. Even though I have seen results in Vixen, K2 is the one who has made a massive change in both appearance, temperament, and behavior. Ty and I got K2 almost two years ago, he was very under weight and had massive separation anxiety. Being that he was an older horse (15) with these behaviors it has been tricky to over come. This year, within the last couple of months, I have taken both K2 and Vixen off commercial grains, feed them a balanced diet that was advised by one of Mad Barns nutritionists and give them Omneity daily. The pictures and videos a...
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Elisabeth Liz Lombart 8 years ago
Hi, i would like to share here my horse story. he was given to me in February 2016 because of his persisting lameness. after a few month of turn out (he had been in stall rest for the last 2 year) and a weight loss) his lameness was a better but not cured. so we got xray done to know the reason of the lameness since the previous owner was not able to explain it to us when the horse was given. see my shared post for the radio. the horse was then diagnosed with a ostéitis of the 3rd phalanges. the vet was not optimistic aboit it but when he saw my sorrow he said that maybe a mineral reinforcement would help the tissues regenerate. So i had heard a lot of good about MadBarn and their supplements are and were the most complete i could find without driving for hours to go get them. in Augus...
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Solenne Wagner 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
As a hoof maintenance professional, I see very good hoof horn quality in horses that are on Mad Barn’s Omneity vitamin and mineral. I own horses, and I have never seen a crack in their hooves since they have gone on these products- for several years! I highly recommend Mad Barn to all of my clients and friends!
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