4.71 Rating 4966 Reviews

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Theresa Foster 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
I used this product on a metabolic horse and noticed improvement however unfortunately he did not care for the taste.
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Jennifer Brownrigg 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
I've been feeding Amino Trace to our metabolic Haflinger for about 7 months. We can now see the difference in the health of her hooves. It has also helped support weight loss with it's low iron content. Great product for EMS horses and ponies.
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Renee Rodrigue 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
Je suis vraiment satisfaite du service et du produit qui m’avait été recommandé par le Groupe ECIR group pour ma jument qui était en pleine crise de fourbure. J’aime le fait que le produit soit livré à la maison. Ma jument se porte très bien en changeant ses suppléments pour AminoTrace et en surveillant sa quantité de foin. Elle a perdu 175 lbs et ses bilans sanguins sont excellents!
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Nancy Joly 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
My horse would not touch it....even if I only put 10 pellets in... he smelled it and refused to eat it... tried with apple sauce, apple juice...mixed it up well with water... nothing would work.., waste of money for me.
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William Bailey 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
Product is great but we ran out due to slow response on shipping our order. When I contacted you after 9 days had passed since I placed the order and our MasterCard had been charged I believe the order had been misplaced and if I had not made contact it might not have been shipped. This is not acceptable. Thanks for the chance to give you feedback.
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Meghan Morrison 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
Really happy to have found this product. I was mixing my own custom mix to my hay, but could never get my horses to eat a full dose of magnesium, copper, or zinc. They would always stop eating their hay pellets or cubes no matter how I tried to dress it up. They eat the Mad Barn Amino Trace pellets well, and it has simplified my feeding program! Horses are looking great on it too
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Lytana Lécuyer 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
The product has a good effect… when your horse eats it. I don’t think my mare is particularly picky (she’s a Canadian, so she eats pretty much anything), but she won’t eat it. And when I tried to add some water or applesauce to the Aminotrace so she might have more interest in it, it turned like a moist sand texture, which is seems really worst than just the bare pellet form. And it kind of make me angry because the description of the product says “Fussy eater? AminoTrace is formulated to be extra palatable, to make getting the appropriate nutrition into your equine companion easy and enjoyable!”…
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Tamara Rutley 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
The two ponies this product was used for have laminitis, it has made a huge improvement in their lives. They eat it straight with no carrier. Other horses I have tried it with would not eat it even with a carrier though so I guess every horse has their own preference.
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Josee Lafontaine 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
After 6 months my 3 horses doesn't one eat it anymore
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Elisabeth Lombart 5 years ago
Verified Buyer
I find that it is hard even if shaked often To really use the full bottle without leave a Bottom of the product. It is efficient ôtherwise for the horses
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