Jennifer Jessee
5 days ago
My OTTB is looking fantastic since being on W-3! He’s nice and thick going into the winter! His coat, main, tail, and hooves are looking amazing!
Krista Nobilo
13 hours ago
Please take this with sincerity as I value the actual product and have already observed an improvement in coat quality & shine. However, I do not love the packaging. While it is a unique and, in theory, a novel 'easy' way to deliver the product into the feed, I had to purchase an additional measure (oz) glass in order to ensure I was delivering the right amount for each horse; and second the position of the spout is problematic once you have used about one third to one half of the product. The spout is set too high, and very quickly the flow of oil becomes weak. One has to then fumble with tilting the box, and or adjusting the internal position of the bag. I end up tearing the bottom part of the box so the spout sits lower re-establishing the ease of flow. It becomes messy and cumbersom...