4.7 Rating 4024 Reviews

92 %

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How would you rate Mad Barn?
Cynthia Paradis a year ago
Verified Buyer
Les produits de Mad Barn sont très bien, mais ils semblent avoir une petite lacune au niveau de la production. Je commande le Omneity Pellet 20kg en sac depuis un bon petit moment déjà et à chaque fois les granules sont différentes. La texture. Le goût aussi puisque mon cheval lève le nez. La majorité des chevaux sont fines bouches et sensibles aux changements, c’est donc à recommencer graduellement avec ajoue de d’autres complètement pour arriver à ce qu’il le remange à chaque fois, puis je reçois une différente texture le sac suivant.
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Lawrence Muder 2 years ago
Verified Buyer
Ordered this to help with my miniature horse and the water fecal syndrome . It helped a little but slightly disappointed it didn’t fix the issue
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Alyson Russell 2 years ago
Verified Buyer
Hii i love mad barn produits i just feel like my horse is still missing something to get her little fatter! Any advice what i could give? Shes a two yrs old
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Mireille Robillard 19 days ago
Verified Buyer
Very small envelop of the produce (the size of a single serving hot chocolat powder) was delivered at a very costly price and arrived in a huge box. The cost of shipping would have been greatly reduced if sent in a bubble envelop
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Debbie House a month ago
Verified Buyer
I purchased Visceral to help our elderly (26 yo) mare who gets winter diarrhea. I think that the Visceral has helped make an improvement but the condition has not cleared up completely. I have now had a diet analysis done by yourselves and will be putting that advice in place!
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DONNA CROWE 2 months ago
Verified Buyer
Horse doesn’t like, so have worked up to half of recommended amount. Or he won’t eat it.
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Karen Elshater 2 months ago
Verified Buyer
My horse doesn't like the taste so I sweeten his feed lol but it's too soon to see any physical results. How I really appreciate your service.
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Margaret Lauber 3 months ago
Very disappointed to find that MadBarn has added what would seem to be unneccessary ingredients to what was a relatively simple single supplement. My old 1kg bag contained only distillers grain and wheat midds in addition to the Biotin itself. A newer bag had added distiller's dried grains, dried yeast, dextrose (!), rice hulls, and calcium carbonate. What purpose an artificial sweetener in a product that previously tasted like.....grain, which horses tend to like? Rice hulls sure sound like filler to me. And not sure what benefit is attached to calcium carbonate. Needless to say, I returned the product and won't be buying it again.
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Mari Swanson 5 months ago
Verified Buyer
Feeding the recommended amts made the horses coat very oily, even at 100ml daily. Reduced oil to 50ml daily. I did however see an improvement in skin condition and the hair at the base of the tail. The bag is much to fragile.
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Jacqueline Jarmolchuk 6 months ago
Verified Buyer
My gelding seems calmer on Chasteberry. He hasn’t been trying to mount the mares in heat or fight with the geldings so I am cautiously optimistic. It’s only been about a month and I want to give it more time, so I’m rating my experience “good”, with fingers-crossed it will progress to excellent! Thank you.
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